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Committees 2021

Constitutional Convention

Set in 1787, each delegate will assume the role of a delegate that was present at the Constitutional Convention. They will play a part in formulating the Constitution of the United States, and must collaboratively find a solution that will achieve ratification. This will be a crisis committee, meaning delegates will use directives to pass articles as well as any other actions during the convention. The goal will be a cooperative and effective Constitution for the newfound United States of America. 


RNC 2024

The last Republican President, Donald J. Trump, has left the Republican Party grappling with an identity crisis about what they stand for as a community. Though some delegates will be representing actual candidates, others will be representing other political figures or organizations who can endorse the candidates. In order for delegates to navigate this pertinent affair, they must first elect a Presidential Nominee, who will be the face of their campaign, and then decide on the ideals for the Republican Party as a whole by creating a platform. Through this committee delegates will be tasked with the challenge of determining what will be the future for the Republican Party?


War of the Roses


The War of the Roses (1455-1485) was a bloody 30-year long civil war between two houses of English nobles, the Lancasters (Red Roses) and the Yorks (White Roses). This committee begins in 1470, after 15 years of bloody battles and vicious political conflicts. The Yorkist King Edward IV is entering his ninth year on the throne while Lancastrian leaders have fled, their forces defeated, and their people executed. Turmoil and betrayal within the White Roses, and the return of the Lancastrian Queen Margaret of Anjou, backed by French allies, challenge his rule. In this committee, the White Roses and Red Roses must devise the best strategy for seizing the throne at any cost and protecting their power from all threats.



Meatpacking Industry

 This will be a historical committee set at the turn of the twentieth century, focusing on the then-ongoing debate over food quality and food purity in America, and what the government's role should be in addressing purity questions. Additionally, the committee will touch on exposés by muckraking journalists — specifically Upton Sinclair's The Jungle — seeking to improve working conditions in packinghouses and for laborers everywhere. Delegates will be tasked with deciding what legislative or administrative reforms must be made in order to address issues of worker safety and exploitation in the meatpacking industry, along with issues of safe manufacturing and meat quality to appease public concerns.


Artificial Intelligence

In the year 2030, the development of artificial intelligence has nearly reached its peak. AI is incorporated into nearly every aspect of life, and the superiority it has to offer has been a large factor in its implementation. However, it is apparent now more than ever that our biological dominance is threatened by our own creation, and the many implementations of an autonomous thinking machine could have incredibly devastating effects on society.  In this committee, experts, enthusiasts, and stark opposers of artificial intelligence will come together and discuss regulations for its future development, focusing both on the role of AI and the ethical ways we should treat it. In 2030 only one thing is for certain.  If we want to act, we must act now.

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